About as

QMS Registrars is established as an independent certification and inspection body with its main objective to safeguard life, property and environment through quality assurance and total quality management.
QMS Registrars has been providing their value added certification and inspection services to the Government, Public and Private Sector Organizations involved in land, offshore, marine activities. It is a professional organization backed by devoted, highly qualified and experienced personnel. We provide a wide spectrum of customer oriented certification and inspection services in an efficient and cost effective manner.
Small Business
QMS roots lie in providing a service which is affordable for small to medium-sized businesses. However, the company's pricing structure and its philosophy of being approachable on any quality matter has resulted in organisations of all sizes choosing to work with QMS Registrars.
The QMS Registrars Apporch
Understanding what it is like to be on the receiving end of the assessment process, QMS has developed a unique package of benefits for companies seeking registration for their management system(s).
Friendly and down-to-earth
Friendly and down-to-earthThere is no need for assessments to be traumatic. QMS assessors are selected for their ability to work with the quality representative from the company and to be approachable; establishing that the quality system works for the benefit of the company and checking it as though they were customers of the firm. Emphasis is firmly placed on practicality.
Quality Documents reviewed on site
QMS has a policy of visiting companies applying for certification. This enables its quality documents to be reviewed and provides an opportunity for the auditor or the company representative to discuss any areas of concern before the audit itself. Even more importantly, it provides an opportunity for the company to get to know the auditor, starting to build a rapport.
No Certificate - No Fee
Our unique Assessment method saves you money and greatly reduces the time required. The fully inclusive fee shown is only payable if you achieve ISO 9001 Certification
For Certification Contact Us.